The most beneficial online video marketing tips aren’t about video, they are about how to get your online video seen! Click here to find out how – http://bit.ly/XEJBfi
In this step of the Online Video marketing guide, I cover keyword research for your online video marketing. Why? Because this is how the search engines like Youtube and Google find your video.
Keyword research for online video marketing can be a little daunting at first but the basics are very simple especially if you use the right tools. Follow the brief examples in the video above on how to do keyword research for your online video marketing.
The online video marketing keyword research tool that I showed for YouTube can be found here – http://bit.ly/110V8xX
Combine that tool with this marketing system and you have a very powerful business – http://bit.ly/XEJBfi
0:48 Online Video Marketing | Online Video Marketing Keyword Research
0:58 Online Video Marketing | What is keyword research for online video marketing
1:05 Online Video Marketing | Youtube video marketing keyword research
3:13 Online Video Marketing | Google Keyword Research Tool
5:15 Online Video Marketing | Advance online Video marketing tool
Here are more online video marketing tips from one of my team members:
Tips And Techniques Of Successful Online Video Marketing
Online video marketing sounds great, but how can you get started in online video marketing?
Get customers interested in your online video marketing campaign by ending your videos with an open question you will address in the video released during the following week.
When you are using online video marketing to promote your product or business it is important to have a good title. Keep it relevant to what exactly you are promoting in your online video marketing to ensure you drive the right kind of traffic to your site.
Watch other online video marketing offered by your competitors to get ideas on what to include in your online video marketing campaign. For instance, does your competitors include hands on demonstrations or do they mainly approach online video marketing with a more friendly tone?
To supercharge your online video marketing efforts consider running an online video marketing campaign. With a video marketing campaign, you will offer daily videos that will be shared on your website as well as on video sites such as YouTube. Do not forget to share your online video marketing campaign with your customers using email and social media.
If you decide to create a series of online marketing videos, it is important that you remain consistent. Try using the same length and format in your online video marketing and use similar title pages and credits so viewers easily recognize your online video marketing campaign.
Remember what power online video marketing has over other social media forms. Twitter, Facebook and blogs are all text mediums. Body language is said to be the majority of communication, and short of a face to face meeting, online video marketing is your next-best bet.
If you are new to online video marketing, then your first few videos should be shorter in length, approximately two minutes long. The purpose of these online video marketing videos is primarily for education purposes. Once you become more comfortable posting videos, you can then increase the video length and try some editing.
Online video marketing does not have to be complicated. One of the most popular formats is simply a regular video, without any bells and whistles included.
Need help with your online video marketing? I recommend you go through our marketing academy – http://bit.ly/XEJBfi
Watch Online Video Marketing #3 in this series – The Obligatory Step Before Creating Your Marketing Video – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sg1Tnl9FXxg
The creator of this online video marketing video may receive financial compensation for actions resulting from this online video marketing video.
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