What is Viral Marketing?


http://EricSpellmann.com. Have you ever heard someone say, “Have you seen that new video? It went viral!” What are they talking about? In this video, Eric Spellmann explains viral marketing. From what it is to the secrets behind the biggest viral marketing campaigns, he shows you the science involved in getting people to “share” your content with their friends. It isn’t random or “luck!” If you have ever wanted to increase your brand awareness or just wanted something to go viral on the Internet, watch this video!

Viral Video Marketing Agency: Interactive Video Marketing Services


Viral Video Marketing Agency: http://videomarketingsecretrevealed.weebly.com/dynamic-behavioral-response-marketing.html Interactive Video Marketing Services.

One new advertising trend that will live up to it’s predicted status as the next “big thing” is interactive video advertising. Imagine your first name or company name woven seamlessly into a video inviting you to try out a new product. With recent advancements in player technology and design tools for creating interactive elements, 2016 will be the year that interactive video becomes a practical and well-used tool for marketers across all industries.

Video advertising has gained popularity and proven itself to be a successful advertising tactic over the past few years. Video is more memorable than written content and keeps visitors on your website longer, 60 percent of people prefer video over reading text.

More Information about Interactive Video Marketing:

Interactive Video: The New Content Marketing Must-Have | SocialTimes
Aug 31, 2015 – As brands compete for attention in a crowded digital (and increasingly mobile) marketplace, they need to use any tool that can give them an …

What marketers need to know about interactive video – Rapt Media
Mar 16, 2016 – This article was originally published on Business2Community on March 10, 2016. Interactive video is an innovative approach to marketing that …

Innovid: Personalized Video Marketing Solutions
Interactive video – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The term interactive video usually refers to a technique used to blend interaction and linear film …. Interactive video in advertising[edit]. In 2014, video marketing platform Innovid was awarded a U.S. patent for interactive video technology.

Viral marketing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Viral marketing, viral advertising, or marketing buzz are buzzwords referring to marketing … Viral marketing may take the form of video clips, interactive Flash games, advergames, ebooks, brandable software, images, text messages, email …

Interactive marketing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Interactive marketing, sometimes called trigger-based or event-driven marketing, is a marketing strategy that uses two-way communication channels to allow …

Digital marketing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Digital marketing is an umbrella term for the marketing of products or services using digital …. This interactive nature allows consumers create conversation in which the targeted ….. Video advertising – This type of advertising in terms of digital/online means are advertisements that play on online videos e.g. YouTube videos.

Interactive television – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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Como Fazer Marketing Viral no Facebook (Eficiente e Grátis)


Curso Citado no final do Vídeo: http://www.FranquiaAutomatica.com

Post em nosso BLOG: http://blog.andersonferro.com.br/ganhar-dinheiro-internet/video-explicativo-como-fazer-marketing-viral-no-facebook-eficiente-e-gratis/

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Viral Marketing


C’mon over to http://www.marieforleo.com/2013/07/viral-marketing/ where the main discussion happens after the episode!

Viral marketing can be huge for your business – if you really understand it. In this video, you’ll learn from Jonah Berger’s key steps to make your content contagious.

Social currency is important when it comes to viral marketing. What does that mean? It means you do something to make your customers feels special, and they share the story with others – and include your company in the story.

Another key to viral marketing is understanding triggers, which means associating your company with something that, when your customers see or experience, it triggers a thought of your company. It can be something as simple as a day of the week. Take Rebecca Black for example – her video for her song “Friday” has accomplished viral marketing because people search for it more often on Fridays than any other day of the week.

When you’re thinking about viral marketing for your business, you want to consider offering discounts and decide if it’s beneficial or not. Jonah Berger suggests using the $100 rule – under $100, and a 25% discount seems like more than the same dollar amount off. Over $100, and the dollar amount seems like a better deal even though it’s the same as the percentage.

Viral marketing doesn’t have to be complicated, but it can make a big impact on your business if you do it right.

If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to our channel and sign up for your free weekly business and life advice at http://www.marieforleo.com

And if you’re interested in more videos on being a marketing ninja like this one, check out our YouTube playlist on that exact topic here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6A5AD2710DA874A6

Thanks for watching!

My YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/marieforleo
Viral Marketing on my website: http://www.marieforleo.com/2013/07/viral-marketing/
Viral Marketing on YouTube: http://youtu.be/5q2JoXpfdZU

VIRAL VIDEO MARKETING Explained by Mass Media 2015


Reach your customers with awesome viral video marketing strategy. This is a video tutorial about Video Marketing explained by Mass Media Dynamics. Visit our website to know more about our products and services in digital marketing. www.massmediadynamics.com

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